Essential Oil Masterclass

This course is the most comprehensive guide to doTERRA essential oils anywhere on the internet. By the end of this course you will know exactly which essential oils to use for any of the health challenges you or your family faces. Get ready to discover how to reach peak physical and mental state naturally with doTERRA essential oils! This course is free for anyone on my doTERRA team.

Essential Oil Masterclass

Lesson 5: Oregano Essential Oil


Do you smell that? It’s like grandma’s home cooking!

Oil of oregano is a great oil to cook with and it also packs a punch when it comes to its health benefits. Derived from the oregano plant by steam distillation, oil of oregano is so powerful that it must be diluted for safe topical use.

It’s effective at providing temporary sore throat relief when added sparingly to juice or water for gargling. Not to mention, when added to a carrier oil (like coconut or almond oil), it may provide relief for skin conditions including skin abrasions, muscle aches, temporary relief of joint pain and even itchy or flaky scalp. (Just be careful not to apply it to broken or sensitive skin as it can be irritating.)

Oregano contains Carvacrol, part of the phenol family.  What we know about phenols is that they drill holes in harmful invaders to eliminate them. The video in this lesson shows the effectiveness of oregano combined with melaleuca against an antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Incredible, isn’t it!!  In fact, oregano is so strong that it is often used to burn off warts and skin tags (after protecting the area around it!).

Now, given how potent it is, you don’t want to just be adding a couple drops of oregano oil to your cooking! When cooking with oregano oil, it is a good idea to first mix it with olive oil or salts.  That way, you can add just a wee bit at a time.  I’ve made a salt rub for my oven roast by mixing several essential oils, including oregano, with sea salts and then rubbing it all over the outside of the roast.  So good!!!

Should you have any additional questions about how to use it or how strong it really is, please connect with your enroller.  We’ve all had plenty of oregano encounters!

P.S. Oregano oil is also a natural insect repellent due to the compound Carvacrol. It makes a great candle ingredient if you do not like the smell of Citronella!

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